Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Questions for book addicts

Klimakteriehäxan has challenged her book-reading readers for these questions. So I just had to be the first one to answer them:

1. Latest three books read (more or less): Eriks bok, by Lars Sund. Part three in a great Finlandic epic trilogy about a family in an Ostrobothnian village (and United States). Kalla det vad fan du vill by Marjaneh Bakhtiari. A good candidate for the big Swedish novel of the millennium’s first decade. Numret till Calicut by Calle Hård. A North Swedish/South India crime story, quite catchy.

2. First book ever read: Hur gick det sen? by Tove Jansson. As far as I remember. Yes, the actual one shown above.

3. Very special favorite book: A wizard of Earthsea, obviously. Rather, the whole earthsea trilogy by Ursula LeGuin which is actually five novels and a number of short stories. A very beautiful and immensely sad story. Can only possibly be matched by Jansson's Comet hunt.

4. Favorite genre: Must be fantasy and scifi….or maybe history….or biographies? Also I do read poetry once in a while.

5. Favorite reading time: Long rainy sommer days.

6. Favorite author: Since I already have used Jansson and LeGuin, then…Tolkien? Garcia Marquez? Chatwin? Ekelöf? Tranströmer? No I will say Jayne Anne Phillips, for the short story collections Black tickets and Fast lanes.

7. Book I read right now: We by Jevgenij Zamjatin. A science fiction satire thriller from the Soviet Union’s early 20’s. The author asked Stalin for permission to emigrate to the West, and was allowed this - nothing less than a miracle. Maybe the most remarkable dystopy ever written, Orwell and Boye included. (Actually I started reading The Black Book by Pamuk but that was apparently less exciting since I put it away.)

8. Book I long for to read: Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson. It is lying on my shelf, a beautiful volume. Historical science fiction (I think, I didn’t read it yet), first volume in a trilogy. Recommended on the website of a guy I knew almost forty years ago (so it must be good).

9. Why do I read books? I just can’t stop.

It may seem as if I have something against normal Sweden-Swedish novel writers (as you know, Calle is from Finland, too) - no this is not so at all. Ask me again in a year and I may have a different list.

Jag har bara läst de två första av Lars Sund. Han är bra! Och Tove J är underbar, fast jag tror att min favvo är "Vem kan trösta Knyttet". Men du, come to think of it, fantasy är jag inte så het på, lika lite som sci-fi... Och så det där med "I can´t stop" - det kan jag, högst ofrivilligt har jag råkat i lässvårigheter, s a s. Det är urtrist, men verkar gå över - har i alla fall gjort det hittills!
jag kan nog rekommendera Eriks Bok också även om den har sina egenheter. - Vilken Jansson som är bäst kan vara en fråga om formen för dagen... Lässvårigheter är lite främmande för mig. Bortsett från att jag ofta somnar ifrån en bok. Om jag läser för sent.
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